Arise from Worms - Arise form Worms (Review)

After two weeks of hearing new releases across various genres, it is time for something weird! 14th January saw the release of the self-titled EP by Arise from Worms, a super-group consisting of members from Cryptopsy, Morbid Angel and Incantation.

Arise from Worms features Sonny Lombardozzi (ex-Incantation) on Guitar and Bass. The guitar work mostly includes brutal death metal riffs. Guitar riffs form no proper song structure to songs since there are random start-stop progression, and often shred blast in the style of Viraemia and Brain Drill. Flo Mounier (Cryptopsy) adds much needed complex drumming to the songs, creating insanity on the way! Steve Tucker (Morbid Angel) adds his insane old-school Death Metal style vocals, sounding beastly on the record itself. The synth and keyboard builds up to the much needed intro to “Axes of the Voivode I”. “Living Sacrifice” has some of the grooviest riffs and riff-structure. The closing track “Persepolis” does not feature any drums and vocals. Lombardozzi owns the song completely to his guitar and bass madness, flexing his riffs and basslines across genres of Jazz and Neo-Classical. Production on the EP finds its place in the realm between old-school Death Metal and Brutal Death Metal.

The inherited madness of the EP comes from the influences of its members across various bands. Forward thinking, complex arrangement, brutal and sometimes weird, that’s what Arise from Worms is.

Rating: 3.5/5.0

Websites: Arise from Worms

Release Worldwide: January 14th, 2022.

Genre: Technical Death Metal, Brutal Death Metal

FFO: Neuraxis, Brain Drill, Cryptopsy, Hate Eternal

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