Cervicectomy - Gorezilla (Review)

It's not common to see extreme releases here in India. Thus, when there are terms like “slam” and “indian” in the roster - you just can’t afford to miss it! India based Cervicectomy formed in 2021, provides a lethal mix of metal extremity in its rawest form. The two man project, consisting of Ryan Omega and Kuldeep Gwra Bodosa, released their debut album “Gorezilla” this week. So without any further ado, let's get into the album discussion!

“THE COMING” serves as a four minutes long prologue to the rising of the viscous character “Gorezilla”by using retro-film scores, which then bleeds into “THE ONSET OF COSMIC MONSTROSITY” - the perfect slamming beginning with groovy guitar riffs, accompanied by the rapid blast beats and double bass. Also, a proper slam track requires the toppings of cranky snare, and this one rightly delivers so. Each passage change is often accompanied by the bass drops in the fashion of Extermination Dismemberment songs. This addition prevails almost throughout the running minutes of the album. “DEATH & GORE IS THE GAME” contains some of the nasty caveman sludgy riffs of the album. With a call-back to the giant monstrosity, “MAD TITAN” showcases filthy passages that will remind of bands like Kraanium and Vulvectomy

Tracks like “DIRTY” and “GALUMPHING BASTARDS FOR FUN”  level up on the existing brutality on the album. Being much faster and chunkier, the intro to “DIRTY” almost gave me Syphilectomy vibes! Along with that, the tight rhythm sections and groovy passages provide you enough space to headbang and break your skull. 

The last-half of the album combines the speeding brutality with more elements that spice up each track. “HEINOUS ADDICTION OF MORE FLESH” showcases some dominant bass action. Expect some dynamic tempo shifts and a lot of pinched harmonics in “CARNIVOROUS PERVERSION REPEATS”. The outro track “CARNIVOROUS PERVERSION REPEATS” features a brief jazzy-prog section with bass and drums, before switching back to the slamming monstrosity. The ending returns back to the use of the same soundtrack that started the album, thus coming full circle with the complete album.

“Gorezilla” is a dense record! Slamming Brutal Death is not everyone’s cup of tea. Slam too has its region of being either “cookie-cutter pitch perfect” or being “raw as fuck!”, and certainly
Cervicectomy lies in the spectrum of bands like Cephalotripsy, Kraanium and Vulvectomy. Ryan Omega (Phlegmicide, Cerebromeningitis) has always been a beast when it is about the extremities, and he delivers no less than that with his drumming skills and vocals. Kuldeep Gwra Bodosa with his guitar riffs and basslines, provides the exact passages the song needed. In short - if you are looking for something chunky and slammy to spend your weekends on, make sure to add this on your playlist!

Rating: 3.5/5.0

Website: https://www.facebook.com/Cervicectomyslam

Genre: Slamming Brutal Death Metal

Worldwide Release: March 22nd, 2022.

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